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3 Ways Property Technology Helps Sellers Work With Cash Home Buyers



Property Technology

The real estate industry has been somewhat slow on the uptake regarding technology. However, real estate is finally getting with the program. We’re talking about property technology, and it’s blowing the “we buy houses for cash Jacksonville” real estate investors out of the water. Here’s what it’s all about.

1. Sell Is The Word

Previously, home sellers contacted a real estate agent or put up pictures on the ‘Net to sell their house by themselves. Now take that one idea and multiply it by gazillions. You’ll have what everyone calls Big Data.

The “we buy houses for cash” companies use Big Data to comprehend trending homes, consumer polling information, demographics, pricing, home value, and dozens of other things. With this data, they can better understand the neighborhoods in which sellers live, consequent pricing, what the resale market will bear, and make better deals for their sellers.

2. AI

When a seller accesses a cash buyer website, they will input his pertinent information. Artificial intelligence will then gather data on trends, pricing, preferences, and more. The house buying companies will then contact the seller to begin the buying the house for cash process. In a world paralyzed by fear of the Covid-19 virus, this hands-off type of transaction is appealing to many homeowners looking to sell their houses.

3. Virtual Reality

New technologies benefit the real estate industry when people can virtually tour a house while lying on their sofa. When a cash house buying company can do that with a home seller, the process is streamlined. The touring and inspection of the house is instantaneous instead of physically traveling to the house to look it over. Buyer and seller communicate online or by phone, and the only meeting of the two is at closing.

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