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Looking for a Better Motivated Seller Leads for Real Estate Investors?



Leads for Real Estate Investors

Looking for a better Motivated Seller Leads for Real Estate Investors? There are a couple ways to go about this. One of the more direct ways is to simply look at real estate leads and sellers. These are the people that you will find on the internet browsing real estate websites. You can contact these sellers and get them on your list.

Contact Real Estate Agents

The next direct way is to contact real estate agents in your area. This can be more work than looking at real estate leads and online sellers, but you will get more contact information and possibly even receive a phone call or two! Once you have the phone number of an agent in your area you can write them a quick email asking if they would be interested in including you on their list. You can give them a basic description of how motivated you are and see if any of them bite.

Now here is something interesting.

If you are looking for real estate leads and sellers, you might not want to approach real estate agents. Why? Because real estate agents typically sell properties and receive commissions from the sale of those properties. They will NOT be interested in helping you market to those markets because their only income comes from the sale of properties!

But did you know that you can make money without selling a single property?

In fact, the best way to market to people who are really interested in real estate investing is online! By signing up for an autopilot real estate investing website, you can collect names and emails of real estate investors without ever having to meet with them face-to-face. You simply follow their lead when they send you information.

Now, how does this work?

There are websites all over the internet that charge a small joining fee for unlimited access to their list. Once you’re on the site you can perform a search for properties with “for sale by owner” and “for sale by owner only” on the search box. Once you have those specific keywords typed into the box, you can see listings right away. You can even see properties in your area and in other real estate areas around the world!

One reason is that it saves you time. You won’t have to waste time driving around different real estate hot zones looking for motivated sellers. You can do everything online right from the comfort of your computer. This will save you a lot of time and energy that you could be spending on actually buying and selling real estate instead.

In real estate, a motivated seller is a property owner who has a strong need, not simply a desire, to sell their property. ListAbility can help you build a motivated sellers list with the click of a few buttons with their new and improved List Builder.

To celebrate the opening of their new internet site, they are offering special pricing.

  • Choose from two packages starting at $.03 per lead.
  • Search or choose all your list options from one page.
  • Get your Lists, Skip Tracing, and Direct Mail in one place.

So why should you join?

  • Saves Time
  • Less Expensive
  • User-Friendly
  • All-in-One

Lists that are offered:

  • Absentee
  • Absentee out of area (state, city)
  • Inherited
  • Intra-Family Transfer
  • Vacant
  • Pre-foreclosures
  • Business Owned
  • Cash Buyers
  • Reverse Mortgage Holders
  • Seller carry back
  • Seniors
  • Equity
  • Free and Clear
  • Affidavit of Death of Joint Tenant
  • Large Lots
  • Ownership type trust
    and many more…

You can also join their affiliate program!

Click on to check out their new and improved List Builder.

Meet Real Estate Investors

Another reason to sign up for one of these websites is that it gives you a chance to meet real estate investors. I’ve met some amazing people through the real estate websites. Some of them have actually purchased properties you are interested in just so they can give you advice on how to succeed. Others have actually bought and sold properties for me! They’ve saved me money and made me a better investor in real estate!

So now you’re probably wondering… Are you looking for a better Motivated Seller Leads for real estate investors? Sign up for a real estate website today! It could be just what you need to jump start your real estate investing career! Good luck!

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